Tap Gun

The development blawgh of Önders et Gonas

Tag Archives: G.O.O.S.E

End of month status report

Hi there citizens of the internets!

Another month has gone and Michael Jackson is still awesome! If you know a girl or guy that is more awesome add a song or two to our playlist. Sooo, what’s going on in the wardrobe? Well…

Hultsfred 09

Oooh yeah, the beast is loose. Based on the awesome platform G.O.O.S.E (yes, THE Ben Hur of apps) it will give the festivalgoers a reason to bring their favorite fart apps to the festival, so watch out all y’all! Read more here or why not read omiphone.se:s amazing review.The response has been tremendous and comedian/gumma Karin Adelsköld named it one of favourite technologies for event organizers.


The month started out with Mini Seedcamp Helsingborg. You can read more about this in our longer blog post about the event, which is more detailed than a Carcass song, so I will just write a short bit here. It was Awesome!!!

The Rolling Narwhal

We have been looking for a car for a while and found a really nice one outside Göteborg, a VW Bus from 1971. But while we spent our time dreaming about the maiden voyage (a trip to Bangkok), someone bought it so if you know of any RV for sale, give us a meaningful collection of letters in the comments.