Tap Gun

The development blawgh of Önders et Gonas

Tag Archives: marketing


Greetings friends!

We started promoting our new game’s landing page a few days ago at http://ondersetgonas.com/warcode/ but in case you missed it, the name of the game will be Warcode!

We also did a short presentation of the game and some of the technology we use at the local Mac/iPhone programming group Cocoaheads Göteborg. The presentation probably doesn’t make a lot of sense without the narration, but it probably didn’t make a lot of sense with it either so no loss. We uploaded the presentation anyway, enjoy:

Please note that the graphics that are visible in one of the slides are not done by the famous Mia Henriksson, this is just my crappy temporary stuff.

Also if you’d like to beta test the software before we launch or just be notified as soon as we do launch, follow us on twitter or sign up on the Warcode page!

I’ll try and post some updates on the progress here on the blog and on Twitter (@ondersetgonas) so stay tuned homeboyz!

Teaser: New iPhone Game

Finally time to spill the beans to our loyal fans here on the blawgh! We’re currently wireframing and coding our latest app, which will be an iPhone game inspired by the 1991 classic, the game console Barcode Battler (check out this review if you haven’t heard of it).

I used to have one of those and while it sucked gameplay-wise, the idea was so much greater than the implementation and has been a source of inspiration for me ever since. It opened my eyes and made me understand that all those coded messages all around us can mean whatever we want, and our mission is to provide the means to interpret them in the most awesome way, by turning them into brutal warriors to fight epic battles in the vast deserts of what we today know is called cyberspace.

The app uses the iPhone’s camera to scan barcodes and is the first attempted game by Önders et Gonas, so we’re boldly going where we haven’t really been before a lot. Gonas is an avid gamer of course, and previous titles in his solo career include gems such as RotG, RotG 2, and the Duke Nukem Forever-esque vaporware “RotG 3D”.

This is also the first time we work with an external designer on an in-house project, the insanely talented interface design expert Mia Henriksson.

Watch this space and follow us on Twitter for the latest updates and info about an upcoming beta testing program, and of course the App Store release!

We are looking for any feedback, ideas, reactions or anything! Tell us what’s on your mind in the comments or via Twitter or email us!

As you may have noticed I also just updated the theme here on the Tap Gun blog. The new life!

Update: Holy shit, I’ve been stuck for hours now exploring the Barcode Battler related videos uploaded to YouTube. Try this one for size. This is a gold mine of bizarro.

Gisele spotted doing some pro bono advertising work for Bang/Buck

Apparently she likes our app. Thanks to Jopsy Daisy for the tip.