Tap Gun

The development blawgh of Önders et Gonas

Where you at 2017?

In the blink of an eye over one thousand days have passed, and where have we been? The blog has been drier than California and the once so steady beat of the war drum has echoed of to a better place. But today, we celebrate the return of the original conquistadores of the mobile platform. Time to resurface.


So what have we done during this era of non-awesomness? Spent ages just walking in circles, “just to make the point”? Becoming the new champions of open source? Doing backstrokes in the good ol’ money bin? Nobody knows, but if you look closely, some apps may have flown under the radar and made the world a slightly less pointless place.

But here we are now, so let us entertain you. In the coming days, weeks, years or maybe never, we will release something so fun, clever and awesome and so god damn innovative that it will change every social gamers life forever. We call it The Future of Gaming. Vasco da Gama. So stay tuned for more news, cuz that thing coming over the hill is a monster. A monster!
In the meantime, check out Flip! One of our kick ass developers has infiltrated a local firm and helped them make a genre defining game. It’s a touch friendly version of one of the few board games that still hasn’t been conquered by the human mind, so the AI here is truly remarkable. Yup, it’s the beloved simulation of the race war: Reversi. You owe it to yourself and your inner demon to check out this baby. It’s free as in free beer, and takes up less space than Top Gun at 4K, so hurry up before its to late! And even though the developers gives it away for free, feel free to buy me a beer next time we meet if you like it.

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