Tap Gun

The development blawgh of Önders et Gonas

Tag Archives: project hollywood

End of March (or early April) Status Report

Jösses what a month! We finally released our first batch, Bang/Buck (Mustang) and iQüeüe (Hollywood), and both have gotten lots of positive response. But is that it? Nah, we will continue to stroke some more juice out of the wardrobe, so watch out.

Project Goose

It’s getting harder and harder to work with Goose, every time you launch XCode to do something you end up running it in the simulator and suddenly three hours have passed by. We are really super excited about this product! Enjoying to play around with our own shit makes us feel a bit like Fred Durst, but that’s just awesome. We are still on schedule, so in early May we will kiss goose on the mouth and send him off to the AppStore. Did I tell you it’s awesome?

Project Jester

Jester is done, and we have already sent it to the reviewing committe. This one is so nasty that we didn’t give it a kiss, just enough money for the cab to  Cupertino. We hope it will be accepted soon, so people are familiar with it before the next Olympics.

Other Projects

We have some great projects squatting our minds, looks like we will diversify the coming summer,but fear not; we will still make awesome apps for your iPhone. Our goal is still the same, coming up with digital solutions for navigating the analog world.  Well, that’s all for now.

Our Second App: iQüeüe

Önders et Gonas found themselves standing in a queue for an ATM. How long would this take? Subconsciously they both tried to calculate the remaining time in their heads by noticing when people left and how many people were left in the queue, but why use their genious brains for this mundane task?

Thus ÖeG stared long and hard into the eyes of Science and came up with the amazing iPhone application iQüeüe. It’s your weapon against the German synth machine that is society. Take some load off your mind while standing in line and use your brainpower for art, the craft where humans are still needed. Do it before it’s too late or ÖeG will soon find a way to replace you with an iPhone app too.

It’s $0.99 on the App Store and you can read some more about it here.

This app was previously known as Project Hollywood, maybe you remember reading the captivating Tale from the Wardrobe™ on the development of iQüeüe.

Our First App

Where to begin? This week has been wild. Some of you may have noticed that our first application, previously known by the code name “Project Mustang”, now known far and wide under the real name “Bang/Buck”, has been accepted by Apple and is on sale at the App Store. If you haven’t bought it yet I suggest you do it before Jonas finds out. He has just had a half bottle of Lanson champagne and doesn’t look happy. Find it here.

The other app we sent in, Project Hollywood, was rejected under unclear circumstances. Anyway we fixed that today and resubmitted it so it will probably be ready pretty soon.

In a Tales from the Wardrobe fashion (also known as filling our corporate blog with everyday nonsense) I’m going to tell you about the lunch we cooked today here at the office. We call it Saumon de Moutard Poire Verts d’Emma avec Bière Rangés les Pommes de Terre. Pics will be up on Flickr soon. We enjoyed it with previously mentioned Lanson and it was delicious.

Anyway we’re writing this from SXSW. Just finished being on a panel about Apple’s new tablet (we know what they’re actually planning since we’re sleeping with some key people at Apple in Cupertino, so we had to keep our faces straight while discussing these stupid rumors with the other clowns in the panel, exhausting.) Last night we had some beer and watched the upcoming act Glasvegas, keep your eyes on them in 2009, will be the Next Big Thing™!

Tales from the Wardrobe: On Project Hollywood

In our ongoing series of Tales from the Wardrobe I feel like writing a couple more words on our recently-submitted-to-the-App Store app, Project Hollywood (not to be confused with the other Project Hollywood).

Project Hollywood is laid out a little bit like an experiment — how fast could ÖeG finish an iPhone application? It started on Friday night when we were sharing a bag-in-box of wine. In this intoxicated state we finished the rudimentary interface but got stuck developing the actual underlying algorithm, as it requires logical thinking and focus. Something we were short on at 6am and drunk out of our minds.

The next morning I woke up and was still a bit frustrated, so I sat down and thought it through in a more sober state. It was then very simple, but nevertheless I took it upon me to write a report about it in LaTeX. It will be available for download along with the app when it’s been approved by Apple. At first I thought I’d just write the explanation, as is the more conventional way, in the code comments, but Xcode doesn’t allow for rendering mathematical formulae in the source files (it should.) Later at the office that day we spent an hour or two adding some  animation to the interface.

On Sunday we didn’t spend any time on this project if I recall correctly, and then yesterday Jonas added some graphics and we tested it on the actual device and submitted it to the App Store. The resulting app may be a typical “ringtone app” in that it will be sold in the cheapest price range and have a very narrow focus, but we think it can be very useful (we’ve certainly wished we had it in the past – and so will you.)

Conclusion: we’re still awesome.

It’s boiling…

Yep, today we sent two of our premium apps to Apple for some kind of reviewing process.  And that means that they will say it’s awesome and release the beast soon. Oh yeah! One of the apps is Project Mustang, our first project and one that you have read a lot about here on the blog. It was battle tested last Wednesday, and after some small changes we decided that it was time to remove its chastity belt. The other app is a project that we named Project Hollywood.  It will be a life saver for many of you, and even though it’s premium, this one will be so cheap that even your mother can buy it.

Yeah, it’s been a pretty awesome day and on our flickr you can see some pictures. Since it was a Monday we drank a nice bottle of Duval-Leroy and listened to Glasvegas. We have some more projects in line for release, Jester and a new one we’re calling Project Charlie. We are super excited about these projects, and we’re sure that this month will be more legendary than SmartSVN’s support.