Tap Gun

The development blawgh of Önders et Gonas

Tag Archives: startup life

Bang/Buck 1.5

It’s been pretty quiet here on the blog lately while we’ve been deep down in the belly of Gothenburg’s nightlife living the Jersey Shore life and building new versions of Nattstad.

Anyway douchebags, just wanted to check in and tell you that our flagship app Bang/Buck got its first major update since the original release in March 2009. So if you’ve been drunk since then and wiped the apps off your phone, go ahead and download it again. And if you’re so cheap you never bought it for 99 cents in the first place, it’s time to make amends: here is the iTunes link.

Happy smart drinking!

Gisele spotted doing some pro bono advertising work for Bang/Buck

Apparently she likes our app. Thanks to Jopsy Daisy for the tip.

Our First App

Where to begin? This week has been wild. Some of you may have noticed that our first application, previously known by the code name “Project Mustang”, now known far and wide under the real name “Bang/Buck”, has been accepted by Apple and is on sale at the App Store. If you haven’t bought it yet I suggest you do it before Jonas finds out. He has just had a half bottle of Lanson champagne and doesn’t look happy. Find it here.

The other app we sent in, Project Hollywood, was rejected under unclear circumstances. Anyway we fixed that today and resubmitted it so it will probably be ready pretty soon.

In a Tales from the Wardrobe fashion (also known as filling our corporate blog with everyday nonsense) I’m going to tell you about the lunch we cooked today here at the office. We call it Saumon de Moutard Poire Verts d’Emma avec Bière Rangés les Pommes de Terre. Pics will be up on Flickr soon. We enjoyed it with previously mentioned Lanson and it was delicious.

Anyway we’re writing this from SXSW. Just finished being on a panel about Apple’s new tablet (we know what they’re actually planning since we’re sleeping with some key people at Apple in Cupertino, so we had to keep our faces straight while discussing these stupid rumors with the other clowns in the panel, exhausting.) Last night we had some beer and watched the upcoming act Glasvegas, keep your eyes on them in 2009, will be the Next Big Thing™!


Over the past few weeks we have seriously begun mixing our brains into the Xcode mud. As I’m sure you’ve seen in the pics posted on this blaawgh, we’ve set up office in beautiful Guldheden, Göteborg and we’re both committing a few days per week to the ÖeG cause in long, hard coding sessions. I’ve really been looking forward to soaring through the open skies with a wingman and I’m really happy with the productivity we’re sustaining into the wee hours of the morning.

I’m absolutely positive this is the best way to earn a living by writing software. I’ve previously been working both in big bureaucratic organizations following rigorous procedures and done consulting and freelancing work on my own, often working from home. Poking around in someone else’s old nasty code trying to implement some whimsical ideas from the marketing department makes me feel like a midwife and running around doing short jobs for different clients makes me feel like a prostitute, selling out my beautiful code. ÖeG makes me feel like a caring father, raising our apps to be the most badass mofos in the schoolyard.

If you’re following us on Twitter (and you should) you probably know that Project Mustang is almost complete and Jonas is well under way with another project that he will post about soon. We’re still waiting for our company to be registered so we can join Apple’s developer program and submit our apps to the App Store, therefore our apps will not show up there just yet. But we’ve got lots of plans for the next project, so stay tuned and you’ll be the first to know when the apps are available for download!

Here are a couple of pics from last night. Coding session turned into a small party with some friends where we played some good old Hero Quest. I fell asleep on the couch, woke up and continued coding. Startup life ftw.

Kickoff Party Pics

I’m terribly sorry I didn’t upload these pics any earlier, but I’ve been busy moving out of my apartment and skiing. Anyway, here they are.

Happy new year people!

Sooo, girls and commies, time for an update!

You may wonder why, despite that the blog has been up and running for more than a week, no juice has been squeezed out of our wonderful closet. The answer is as simple to say as it is to write: we are doing some ass whooping and cutting edge programming for other companies, but soon dear friends there will come some excellent shit.

Even though we’re not neck deep in cocoa flavored milk, we are doing some hardcore brain storming, pushing the limits of the mind and ensuring that our products will make your post-LHC experience much less dystopic. The development of Mustang is well under way and soon we will rss-feed your ass with another big announcement. But until then I hope that you follow our tweets, cause even if you are just slightly mentally challenged there are some hints dropped there like an American f-bomb every bloody day.

Currently we are dislocated, me kicking the froggies in France and Anders trying to survive the crisis in Göteborg, but next month (December for you guys who read this before it was written or just googling around and finding an old post) there will be an awesome event with hugs, kisses and some wet horse blankets. Of course it will be an open event but BYOBFFS and try to dance the safety dance only. Oh yeah, remember to put a cap on that one-eyed alien. So to wrap it up, this was just me post whoring. 4-1 baby!

Double the Bastard. Bastard the Double.

When Jonas returns from France we’re gonna drink these suckers.

Önders/Gonas ’10

Champagne Monday

Workstation and champagne flûte
Workstation and champagne flûte

Xcode and the widow, fuck yeah!